Why Where We Work Matters Less

Josh Indig
2 min readAug 18, 2017

This is about why Canadians don’t have names like “Ted” — and so much more.

This is not Ted.

We’re building something great in Canada. Here’s why.

On one of the first days of 2017, I received an invitation.

The invitation was to a podcast that would feature me alongside a member of then President Obama’s President’s Advisory Council for Young Americans — Ted Gonder. Having just been chosen among Canada’s most promising entrepreneurs days earlier, my first thought was:

“Why now? Why should I do this?”

National identity should be less of an issue than it currently is. National pride is great and all. But when it comes to what country you’re from and why that matters– just chill.

After some gentle prodding, the host made me realize I had an important story to share. And I knew that only I could share it — even if it was next to a DC-insider whose name happened to be Ted.

I then realized that Canadians don’t have names like “Ted.”

Feeling unsuited to share my startup stories in this type of public forum, I said I’d have to turn down the offer. After some more gentle prodding from the host, I then realized had an important story to share. And I knew that only I could share it — even if it not all of us were called names like Ted. If that last sentence was more than ambiguous, keep reading for the clarification.

The value I wanted to share is this: In the world of in 2017 National identity should not matter.

Hence, if National identity matters to you whatsoever, it should be more malleable than it ever has been before.

If you would like to give the episode a listen, it’s on iTunes and for free streaming online. Easter egg: at 41 minutes in I share a share a conversation that happened to be among the most important conversations I’ve ever had to this day.

If you learn anything from the episode or have feedback, do share in the comments👀👁👁‍🗨



Josh Indig

Software developer, iOS et al. Prev: CS, McGill University. Forever on the side of the builders.